MOOC 3D Anatomy, Sexuality, Physiology and Contraception

At the request of the Université numérique francophone des sciences de la santé et du sport (unf3s) (French Digital University of Health and Sports Sciences) and with the support of the ICAP Lyon (Innovation Conception and Support for Education), 3Dmedicus created a series of 3D animations included in a MOOC dealing with human anatomy, the functions of male and female genital organs and the different methods of contraception. This MOOC, approved by Dr Robin and supervised by Prof. Cosson, will be available to university and secondary school students. This inter-university (Lille-Lyon-Strasbourg) and business-based (3Dmedicus-Brûle) project allowed us to set up a public-private partnership agreement in the field of the development of educational resources.

images for the content MOOC